September 16, 2022 Eleonora Gendelman Season 1 Episode 19
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Sep 16, 2022 Season 1 Episode 19
Eleonora Gendelman

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Watch the intro to the episode HERE.

When we understand that we are the ones responsible for creating everything we have in our lives, then we can begin using our minds to create what we truly want.

If you apply and practice the strategies used in this episode, you will never again have to wait and hope for things to miraculously appear in your life.

In this episode, I share the process for creating what you want in your life, explore the difference between wanting to believe something and actually believing it, and what is the exact HOW to achieving your goals.



Create YOUR HOW: Find out a thought/belief that will create the result you want (RESULT = your goal/dream/desire):

  1. What is the result that you want in your life? What is it you want to create? Write it down. (RESULT)
  2. What are the actions that you need to take to accomplish that result, to create that result, to have that result be the effect? What will you have to do? (ACTION)
  3. What will you have to feel in order to take that action? (FEELING)
  4. What will you need to think in order to feel that way? (THOUGHT)


Practice believing:

  1. Write down your belief that will create the result you want (in 4.)
  2. Memorize, repeat.
  3. Visualize, and practice with the emotion of that belief.



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If you think this episode is valuable, please support my podcast by sharing it with your friends and family, on social media channels tagging/crediting @eleonora.gendelman & @bendingreality.pod

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Watch the intro to the episode HERE.

When we understand that we are the ones responsible for creating everything we have in our lives, then we can begin using our minds to create what we truly want.

If you apply and practice the strategies used in this episode, you will never again have to wait and hope for things to miraculously appear in your life.

In this episode, I share the process for creating what you want in your life, explore the difference between wanting to believe something and actually believing it, and what is the exact HOW to achieving your goals.



Create YOUR HOW: Find out a thought/belief that will create the result you want (RESULT = your goal/dream/desire):

  1. What is the result that you want in your life? What is it you want to create? Write it down. (RESULT)
  2. What are the actions that you need to take to accomplish that result, to create that result, to have that result be the effect? What will you have to do? (ACTION)
  3. What will you have to feel in order to take that action? (FEELING)
  4. What will you need to think in order to feel that way? (THOUGHT)


Practice believing:

  1. Write down your belief that will create the result you want (in 4.)
  2. Memorize, repeat.
  3. Visualize, and practice with the emotion of that belief.



Share your thoughts, suggestions, and comments HERE.

If you think this episode is valuable, please support my podcast by sharing it with your friends and family, on social media channels tagging/crediting @eleonora.gendelman & @bendingreality.pod

Please subscribe to my newsletter to receive the latest updates, upcoming events, workshops, and retreats.
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You are listening to me talking to myself. Welcome to the podcast, where I share useful tools to create more space, more freedom, inner peace, connection,

and life on purpose.


How can I do this? How can I achieve my goal? How can I get there? The first thing we're thinking about and want to know is the action we need to take to get there. The How begins way before the action, the How begins with a thought and a belief, not with the action.

So what do you want to create? Think about what you want to create, a goal you want to achieve, a dream you have, something that you want to have. It could be helpful to listen to previous episodes 17 and 18 on the topic of goal setting, and what you want.

When we think about what we want, a lot of times we start thinking of things that we want the universe to provide to us. Instead, think about anything that you want as something you want to create in your life. If I want to house by the beach, I want to create that in my life. If I want a trip to Bali, I need to create it in my life. I need to create the opportunities, create the events, create the people and create the results. When I know that I'm the one that creates them, then I can use my mind to create anything. It is in my power and I do not need to wait for someone to do it for me or expect something to happen.

When we want to create something, we are going to go through the process of change. I'm going to need to change from not having a house by the beach to having a house by the beach, from not having the ticket to Bali to having the ticket to Bali. The most important change that we are ever going to make is the change in our brain. All of the unconscious programming in our brain, all of the thoughts in our brain right now are creating our reality, our life how it is right now. Our reality is created by what we think and it's in more than one way. First, what we choose to focus on in our life creates our reality. If you look at your life and you find everything that's great about your life, you're going to create a great reality for yourself by how you filter with your brain. If you focus on everything that's horrible in your life, you're going to create an experience that's horrible. You're creating the experience of your life by how you filter but you're also literally creating the results in your life by how you think. Your thinking creates your emotions, which create your actions, which create your results. Most things in your life you have literally created them. If you are in a relationship, if you're not in a relationship, if you have a job, what kind of job you have. If you have a house, a dog, country you live in, you have created that in your life. In order to create something different, you will have to think differently. We need to create new beliefs. A belief is a thought we keep on thinking. When we learn something new, when we start thinking new thoughts, there's this very light neural pathway that's created. In order to retain that new knowledge, new thought, in order for it to become a belief that becomes unconscious, we have to do a lot of repetitions, we need to practice it.

Again, your thoughts generate feelings, those feelings drive your actions, those actions create results. So the result starts with a thought. You ultimately create what you think. We need to reverse that model to know what thought we need to believe and practice believing on purpose to create the result we want. And this is THE HOW.

So step one, what is the result that you want in your life? What is it you want to create? Write it down. Step two, what are the actions that you need to take to accomplish that result, to create that result, to have that result be the effect? What will you have to do? Step three,  what will you have to feel in order to take that action? Step four, what will you need to think in order to feel that way?

So going back from the result to the thought. That thinking that you will need to be thinking in order to create that result is something that you need to make unconscious. If you have a thought that's unconscious, you just think about it all the time. You do not even have to think about thinking about it. You don't have to remind yourself to think about it. It's like when you're going or cycling to work, you don't have to think about where you're going. You go on autopilot. You've done it enough times that your brain just knows and it's all in that unconscious. That's what you want to do with something that you want to create.

Most people do not know that this is the process of creation. Most people want to get the thing and then they want to think about it or they want to know the action they need to take. It is challenging to believe in something we cannot see. That's why many of us stop creating when there is no plan for how to get there. We want to know what we are supposed to be thinking about ahead of time. So most people live their lives on autopilot. That's why it feels like something or someone is creating their life for them.

So find out what is the result that you want and what will you need to think and believe in order to create that result. Then you have to practice thinking that and believing that ahead of time. This is the beginning and the first step. Of the How. the belief will create the feeling, which might be confidence, excitement, determination, and that feeling will open doors to actions that will lead to the result.

In the beginning, you might feel like you are in a space between two beliefs. The old one and the new one you want to create and practice. You are in that cognitive dissonance because the brain will always offer you the old belief that is familiar. It will be uncomfortable and will require some conscious choice to direct your brain to the new belief. The way to create a new belief is through repetition, is to practice it. For the exact process go back to episode nine.

Part of the problem we have a hard time believing new thought is we focus too much on the action, because our brain likes to be certain. How will I do this? I need to know exactly how I will do this. Good news: You don't have to know exactly how you're going to do something. In fact, a lot of times you can't know because you are the one creating the How. The action, the exact action does not exist yet. You will know the exact action that created the result in the end. Till then you practice believing, feeling, and taking massive action which means trying different things, failing, and trying again.

And this is why the How always interferes with the believing. Because usually if you know how to do something, it's not a big enough goal. It doesn't challenge you enough. And even if you have a path to How, maybe somebody achieved it before, it probably won't work the first time, or won't work for you. If it's a big enough goal that's worthy of achieving it's going to require some failure. That's when believing is the most important and that's when most of us stop believing. Most of us believe in the How and when the How, the plan that we had, doesn't work the way that we want it to work, then we stop believing in the whole goal. 

What sometimes happens is we set a goal and then we start trying to believe in the How, we start trying to create the How because we think if we know the How, if we have the path, if we get some success, then we have permission to believe in the goal we want to believe in. So acknowledging what it is that you want and letting your brain go to work on the How. And the way that you figure out the How is by trying a lot of different Hows. If you want to know if something's going to work, try it. Do not ask anybody. Just try it. See if it works. If it doesn't, try something different. But have your mindset on that goal no matter what. On that solution no matter what because that is where you're going. Massive Action means you take action until you get the results you want.

Write down the thoughts that you want to believe in order to create the life you want. Check out some of my useful beliefs in episode 10 for some inspiration. You can put it on your vision board, you can record it, and listen to it again and again. I personally have my manifestation with different beliefs and things I want to create that I recorded for myself. And I listen to it every morning to get used to the thoughts, the beliefs, and the things I want to have. Before I started teaching at TriYoga, I was manifesting it by telling myself every morning that I teach there.

Once you have those new beliefs memorized and once you've practiced them enough, then it's very important that they are generating the emotion that you want to be creating. You start visualizing your future self who has already created what you want to create. And you start generating that emotion ahead of time.

So how do I create emotions? You create an emotion by what you think about. If you want to cry, you need to think thoughts that make you sad. If you want to generate excitement, you need to think thoughts that make you feel excited. Like something that's coming up that makes you excited. Kind of like an actor rehearsing the script and generating emotions on purpose.

First, write down your lines, second, memorise your lines, third, visualise and practice with the emotion of those lines. You want to feel it and be in it. You want to create that emotion. You have to be really willing to let go of who you are now and be in the space of your future self. We start thinking and feeling and acting like that next version before we have even created the result. In fact, we have to do that before we can create that result. We practice with the emotion until it's completely effortless. Most of the time when we accomplish the goals that we want, we are not overjoyed and thrilled in the moments because we have practised that moment so many times that it's as good as done before we actually get the result. Usually, by the time we get the result where we recorded 100 episodes, got the job we wanted, we have already experienced the result before it actually comes.

So what do you want to believe? There is a difference between wanting to believe something and actually believing something. When we first set a goal, we don't really believe in it yet. And nor should we. And if we do already truly believe in it, we probably need to set a bigger goal because it doesn't require any thought work or anything for us to evolve. So set a goal that scares you a bit in the beginning because it will require the most internal growth which is the point of setting goals.

It's easy to believe something after it's already happened. It's easy to believe something when you have already done it before. It's easy to believe something when you have evidence for it. What's challenging is to believe something when you don't have the evidence. To believe something will happen, that you will create it, when the evidence isn't going in your favour, when you're not seeing the results that you hoped you would have seen. This is the practice. Can you believe in something then? When you start to doubt yourself, can you keep believing?

So there is a big difference between wanting to believe something, and feeling like wanting it is not within your control, that you can't believe something unless you have a lot of evidence. But as soon as you believe something is impossible for you, then it becomes impossible for you. So making a choice to believe in something feels like one choice. It feels like one decision, but really it's 100 decisions. It's hundreds of decisions to continue to believe in something until you have the desired result.

There is a difference between wanting to believe something and actually believing it on purpose, living in the belief of it as if it's already done. You can always tell when someone really believes in something because they start talking about it as if it's already completed, as if there is no doubt. The more time we spend in the energy of trying to figure out the How in terms of action, the less we are believing in it. The ‘I need to figure this out’ energy is sometimes full of scarcity. When you already believe in something it's more coming from a place of abundance and curiosity, like “Huh, that's interesting. I wonder how I will do that. I cannot wait to see how I will achieve it.’ Versus ‘Oh wow, I need to figure this out. This is so hard. This will be impossible. I will never be able to do that.’ And it feels like pressure. So understanding what does someone believe who has already accomplished what you want to accomplish is very important.

So think about a goal you have achieved. Look back at your journey. What do you make it mean that you were not there yet, maybe a couple of months ago? Usually, you don't make it mean anything. It's just part of the process. You don't stop believing in your goal. You don't stop believing in yourself. You don't make it mean something about you or your goal. You're still 100% committed to the goal. A great example is when children learn how to walk, they stand up, they fall, they try again. If they struggle along the way learning how to walk that doesn't mean anything. There is no doubt that that kid will start walking at some point. What if you believed in every goal you set for yourself the way that we believe in babies learning how to walk?

What is the downside of believing in something all the way up until the deadline? It's not pretending to believe in something, it's not hoping it's not wanting. It's believing it until the point where the deadline happens. There is no downside. ‘But what if I don't achieve my goal?’ If you ask this question, you stopped believing. If there is a place of doubt, you stopped believing. You set a goal so you can practice believing in it and becoming the person that could achieve it. That's the journey. It's not about getting it. If you wait to believe in something until you have already achieved it, you're probably not going to achieve it, because belief has to align with your result. That is what we want to reveal to ourselves. This is the growth. Where aren't we believing in ourselves? Where aren’t we believing in what we want to create in the world? Where are we aligned with doubt when we could be aligned with belief? What happens when you set a goal is you bring up your present moment doubt and fear and that is nothing you can't handle, and that is what will make us strong enough to keep setting bigger goals and keep your life so much more interesting. Every emotion is just a vibration in our body. You have the tools to be with it and process it. Go back to Episode 14.

So are you willing to believe in something when nothing is proving it true,  when there is no evidence? That's our privilege of being human. We can believe in anything we want to believe. And we don't have to have any evidence. We don't have to have any proof. We believe in something because it serves us and it serves our life and it helps us to show up in the way that we want to show up. And even when there's evidence to the contrary, we can continue to believe in our capacity to create. That's what I want to believe and that's what I choose to believe on purpose.

No matter what your circumstance is, no matter what has happened in the world, in your life, in your own mind, you get to choose what you want to believe about It. And it is very, very tempting to believe what other people believe because then we can feel connected to them through our beliefs. And there is nothing wrong with that. But just take a moment of consciousness and decide, I want you to believe this even if other people don't agree with me. So think about your most precious goal. Maybe it's the goal that you wish you could believe in. Even if other people don't believe in you, you have to believe in it first. You can decide to believe in yourself more, even if other people don't. So if you have set a goal and you have evidence that you're not creating that goal, that goal isn't going to happen for you, why don't you consider believing in it anyway? Because when you believe in something hard, what happens, the possibilities start to present themselves, the options start to present themselves, the magic starts happening beyond anything you can ever imagine, the How starts to present itself. And the more you believe, the easier it is to achieve.

How can I believe if I have never done it before? ‘I have not done that before.’ - that thought doesn't add any value to your life, your actions, and your results. It isn't a relevant thought if you're trying to produce something new and extraordinary. Confidence to be able to achieve or do something does not come from having done something before. Confidence comes from a thought in your brain. Your past success is not what determines your future success. Your current thinking is what determines your future success, not your past actions. You think because you have done something before that you can do it again, so therefore you do. But you can just as easily think that you can do something you have never done before and do it and have confidence doing it. When you envision a future you haven't yet had, you're going to do things you have never done before, which will require you to grow and learn and fail. How do we learn how to do things? By failing. We try, we fall, we try, we fall, we try, we win. Learning as we go is the most magnificent thing. learning as we go is the secret. You develop the skill of failure tolerance. The more you can tolerate failure, the better life you're going to have. The more chances you're going to take, the more risks you're going to take, the more wins you're going to have. So give yourself the chance to fail.

I have never done this before, therefore I must do it. Do not base what you do on your past. Base what you do on your desire, your vision, your possibility.

We create our thoughts and we end up creating our results with our minds. Our body does not know the difference between what is real and what is visualised. The more we can visualise the result we want, the more we can feel it, that vibration will attract that into our lives and we will get wisdom in ways that we never knew. We will meet the right people, and everything will start aligning as soon as we are feeling the way that we need to feel to create the result we want.

You can't just understand the theory. You actually have to apply this and do it in order to get the results you want. What do you want to create? What would you need to be thinking? What would you need to be feeling? What would you need to be doing in order to get that result? And then, believe that it is possible for you. 


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